Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Pros and Cons of Different Types of Flooring

It is a well-known fact that around five types of flooring options are available these days, and one can choose to go for whichever option suits their budget and preferences. However, making the right choice after weighing the pros and cons of different flooring Morpeth options is necessary. It would help you land on the right flooring option as well as ensure longevity of the flooring you choose for your home, providing you value for money for long.


Tiles – These are strong and last a long time. Moreover, many different colours and designs are available.

Floating Wood – Doesn’t need adhesive, looks good, and can be easily and quickly installed. Different textures are available and they look classy and are reasonably priced too.

Carpet – Acts as an insulation and provides comfortable living space. Can also improve the quality of air and cause noise reduction.

Hardwood – These are very durable and can be sanded frequently and refined too, which can make them look as new again, and thus, can last a long time. Easy to clean and maintain. Gives your home that rustic look you might be looking for.

Laminate – Cheap and easily installed, these can be a good choice if you wanted hardwood, but it doesn’t fit the bill. Easy to clean, and many textures are available as per your requirements.


Just like these flooring options have advantages, they have a downside too and knowing that would help you make the right decision as to which flooring option to go for.

Floating Wood –Synthetic in nature and thus, cannot be sanded or refined like wood. Can make the floor slippery and is very hard, which might be uncomfortable.

Tiles – Very hard, and attracts a lot of stain. Get ready to keep cleaning all day.

Carpet – Can get stained very easily, and removing stains can be troublesome too. Expensive to get it clean professionally. If cheap carpet flooring is brought, it might wear off too soon.

Hardwood – Time taking installation and relatively expensive. Does not provide heat retention qualities many look for.

Laminate – Can get wear off in high traffic homes, and may develop chips and cracks at certain places. May also fade away its original colour and design with time.

These are the few pros and cons you need to keep in mind when looking for Flooring Sunderland options. It would help you make the right choice for your home.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Different Types of Flooring You Should Know About

Choosing the right flooring for your home is very important because that is what would help your home get the right look and finish. Even though the actual types of flooring that can be chosen these days varies greatly, there are primarily five categories of flooring you can go for, which are as follows –


This is not wood, but is known as cheaper version of wood flooring because of similar look and appeal. It looks good for sure, but may not last as long as you’d want and have a high chance of discolouring. However, it is resistant to stain and is generally durable and can last for many years, before it starts to fade away.


This kind of flooring is very popular among the buyers, and can make your home look really beautiful and stand out.It needs a bit of maintenance though, but when maintained well, it can last along time, and can be the deal breaker if you are ever considering selling the house.

Stone Flooring

The most durable flooring you can go for, and it has been a choice for many people over the years. They can last forever, unless you go for a change in most of the cases. It does cost a bit however, if you are staying in a cold region; expect your feet to freeze as stone retains cold for a longer time.


Second most durable flooring after stone flooring were been designed to work best in wet places, but is a common choice these days. Even though it is known to last long, they can develop damage and chips after a while and may need replacement.

Carpet Flooring

The most comfortable and softest of all options mentioned above, carpet flooring is perfect for you if you stay in a cold area. There are many designs and colours available too when it comes to carpet flooring, which can add to the décor of your house. However, it would need a lot of maintenance to keep it clean and stain free.

These are the few flooring Morpeth options you can choose from. Make sure to do a bit of research and then ascertain your needs and budget before you land on any particular flooring Newcastle option.